Beograjski dom

Beograjski dom

Beograjski dom so postavili leta 1917. Njegova nevsiljiva arhitektura z zlatnikom popenjalk po čelni fasadi se je lepo vključila v zdraviliško okolje. V bližini najdemo še delujoči obzidan Janezov vrelec slatine z značilnimi rumenkastimi usedlinami železovega oksida v koritu. Danes se stavba imenuje Vila golf.

Beograjski dom (Beograd house)

Beograjski dom (Beograd house) was built in 1917. Its unobtrusive architecture with golden climbing plants over the front façade has integrated well into the Spa environment. Nearby is the active walled John's mineral water spring with characteristic yellowish deposits of iron oxide in the trough. Today, the building is known as Vila golf.