Grobišče borcev na Boču

Grobišče borcev na Boču

Grobišče treh borcev XIV. divizije, padlih leta 1944, se nahaja ob lovski koči na Boču.

Spomenik je uredil arhitekt D. Samec. Na spominskem kamnu ob grobu je napisano: »Tu so pokopani borci XIV. divizije NOV, padli v bojih proti okupatorju l. 1944.«

Burial ground of the warriors of Mt. Boč

The burial ground of three soldiers of the XIV. Division, fallen in 1944, is located at the hunting cottage on Boč.

The monument was designed by the architect D. Samec. The following words are written on the memorial stone alongside the grave: “Soldiers of the XIV. Division of NOV, who fell in the fight against the occupier in 1944, are buried here.