Muzejsko predstavljena domačija dr. Franceta Kidriča, predsednika SAZU, in njegovega sina Borisa, predsednika prve slovenske vlade po drugi svetovni vojni, stoji v zaselku Knežec nad Rogaško Slatino, okoli 350 m jugovzhodno od cerkve sv. Trojice.
V njej je s svojo družino živel slovenski literarni zgodovinar, prešernoslovec, teoretik in esejist France Kidrič (1880−1950), rojen v Ratanski vasi. Na domačiji je svojo mladost preživel tudi Boris Kidrič (1912−1953), slovenski komunist, partizan, politik, prvoborec in narodni heroj, eden od ustanoviteljev Komunistične partije Slovenije in organizator Osvobodilne fronte, po koncu 2. svetovne vojne prvi predsednik vlade Ljudske republike Slovenije, po l. 1946 jugoslovanski minister za gospodarstvo. Zavzemal se je za čimprejšnjo industrializacijo dežele, izgradnjo velikih tovarn, energetskih objektov, nacionalizacijo zasebnih podjetij in kolektivizacijo kmetijstva. Umrl je leta 1953 v Beogradu.
Po vojni so v hiši uredili tri muzejske zbirke − del hiše na Knežcu je posvečen Francetu Kidriču, drugi del njegovemu sinu Borisu, tretji delovanju NOB na Kozjanskem. Spominski dom je vpisan v register kulturnih spomenikov in uvrščen med zgodovinske spomenike I. kategorije.
Na spominskem domu je vgrajena plošča z naslednjo vsebino: »V tej hiši je prebival s svojo družino dr. France Kidrič, slovstveni zgodovinar, in preživel svoja mlada leta njegov sin Boris Kidrič - Peter – predsednik prve slovenske vlade in velik jugoslovanski revolucionar.«
The museum-presented homestead of Dr France Kidrič, the president of SASA, and his son Boris, president of the first Slovenian government after World War II, is located in the village Knežec nad Rogaško Slatino, about 350 m south-east of the church of the Holy Trinity.
It was the residence of the family of the Slovenian literary historian, a researcher of the work of Prešeren, theoretician and essayist France Kidrič (1880-1950), born in the village Ratanska vas. Boris Kidrič (1912-1953) also spent his youth at the farmstead. He was a Slovenian communist, partisan, politician, member of NOB and a national hero, one of the founders of the Communist Party of Slovenia and the organizer of the Liberation front. After World War II, he was the first Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Slovenia and after 1946, he was the Yugoslav Minister of Economy. He promoted early industrialization of the country, the construction of large factories, energy facilities, the nationalization of private companies and the collectivization of agriculture. He died in 1953, in Belgrade.
After the war, three museum collections were established in the house – one part of the house in Knežec is devoted to France Kidrič, the second part to his son Boris and the third one to the activities of NOB in Kozjansko. The memorial home is registered in the Registry of cultural monuments and classified as a category I historical monument.
The memorial house has a built-in plaque with the following content: “This house was the residence of the Slovenian historian Dr France Kidrič and his family, his son Boris Kidrič – Peter spent his youth in it; he later became the president of the first Slovenian government and a great Yugoslav revolutionary.”