Strossmayerjev dom

Strossmayerjev dom

Hotel Strossmayer že z imenom opominja, kako častitljivo je zapisan v turistični zgodovini Rogaške Slatine. Zgradili so ga leta 1848. Najprej se je imenoval Haus Nr. XV, zatem Balkonhaus po mogočnem stebriščnem vhodu z balkonom, kasneje Kaiserhaus, leta 1918 pa so stavbo preimenovali v Strossmayerjev dom po djakovskem nadškofu, rednem gostu zdravilišča.

V njegovi podstrešni sobici je začel kariero sloviti avstrijski igralec Aleksander Girardi. Še znamenitejše je, da je v njem leta 1883 bival avstrijski cesar Franc Jožef I. Zanimiva je usoda ohranjene marmornate plošče na levi strani vhoda. Vanjo je na eni strani vgraviran napis Strossmayerjev dom, na drugi pa napis posvečen obisku cesarja Franca Jožefa I. Ploščo so v različnih zgodovinskih obdobjih različno obračali, danes bi jo lahko postavili pravokotno na zid, da se bi videla oba napisa

Strossmayerjev dom (Strossmayer's house)

Already with its name, Hotel Strossmayer recalls, how honourable it is written in the tourist history of Rogaška Slatina. It was built in 1848. At first, it was called “Haus Nr. XV”, then Balkonhaus after the magnificent staircase entrance with a balcony, then Kaiserhaus, and in 1918 the building was renamed Strossmayerjev dom after the archbishop of Đakovo, a regular guest of the Spa.

In its attic room, the famous Austrian actor Aleksander Girardi started his career. It is even more fascinating, that in 1883, the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I. stayed in it. Interesting is the fate of the preserved marble slab on the left side of the entry. On one side, there is the engraved inscription “Strossmayerjev dom” and on the other side, there is an inscription, dedicated to the visit of the Emperor Franz Joseph I. The slab was turned differently in different historical periods; today, it could be placed perpendicular to the wall, in order for both inscriptions to be visible.