Paviljon Tempel

Paviljon Tempel

Paviljon Tempel, delo tržaškega arhitekta Nikole Pertscha, je klasicistični paviljon, ki stoji nad nekdanjim glavnim vrelcem.

Vrelec Tempel, imenovan tudi »Glavni vrelec«, sodi med prvence; znan je bil že leta 1680. Ob njem je nastala najstarejša slatinska polnilnica. Kot najpomembnejši vrelec je celih 200 let, vse do leta 1884 služil Rogaški Slatini, nakar so le 35 metrov stran uredili nov studenec po imenu Styria. Oba sta usahnila leta 1952. V ovalnem Templu na dvanajstih elegantnih jonskih stebrih danes potekajo razne kulturne prireditve.

Tempel Pavilion

The Tempel Pavilion, the work of the Trieste architect Nikola Pertsch, is a classicist pavilion, located over the former main spring.

The Tempel spring, also known as the “Main spring”, is one of the first of its kind. It is well known since 1680. Alongside, the oldest bottling establishment of Slatina was built. For whole 200 years, until 1884, it served as the most important spring in Rogaška Slatina, only until only 35 metres away they established a new fountain, called Styria. They both dried up in 1952. The oval Temple, built on twelve elegant Ionian pillars, is today the scenery of various cultural events.