Calska gorca

Calska gorca

V vinogradniškem območju južnega pobočja Čerovca, severno od Rogaške Slatine, stoji vrhkletna zidana stavba (zidanica), postavljena s krajšo fasado, v breg vinograda.

Zgrajena je bila v drugi polovici 19. stoletja. Ima obokano klet, v nadstropju vežo, črno kuhinjo, hišo in prešnico. Streha je krita z bobrovcem.

Na širšem vinogradniškem področju predstavlja eno redkih zidanic bogate zasnove in podobe, ki ima ohranjene številne elemente, ki pričajo o vsebini in socialni podobi lastnikov. Osnovni namen obnove je bil ohranitev kulturnega spomenika in izboljšanje življenjskih pogojev v podeželski skupnosti, oblikovanje privlačnejšega vaškega okolja kot bivanjskega prostora in razvoj drugih dejavnosti – še posebej turizma, hkrati pa zagotovitev pogojev za promocijske in druge aktivnosti vinogradniškega društva, ostalih društev, lokalnega gospodarstva ter občine.

Calsko gorco je leta 1997 kupilo Društvo vinogradnikov. Občina Rogaška Slatina jo je leta 2000 z odlokom razglasila za kulturni spomenik.

Calska gorca wine cellar

In the vineyard region of the southern slope of Čerovec, north of Rogaška Slatina, is located the masonry building with a cellar, with the lower façade side turned to the bank of the vineyard.

It was built in the second half of the 19th century. It has a vaulted cellar, a lobby, black kitchen and a press on the first floor. The roof is covered with crown tiles. 

In the wider wine growing area, it represents one of the few vineyard cottages with a rich design and appearance with numerous preserved elements, which testify about the content and social image of the owners. The basic purpose of the renovation was to preserve the cultural monument and improve the living conditions in the rural community, to form a more attractive village environment in terms of a living space and to develop other activities – particularly tourism. At the same time, the purpose was to provide conditions for promotional and other activities of the vineyard society, other societies, the local economy and the municipality as such.

In 1997, Calska gorca was bought by the Vineyard society. In 2000, the municipality of Rogaška Slatina issued a decree and declared it a cultural monument.