Cerkev sv. Lenarta

Cerkev sv. Lenarta

Cerkvica nad vasjo Kostrivnica, ki je naslonjena na pobočje sredi vinogradov in sadovnjakov, je bila pozidana v 14. stoletju na pobudo celjskih grofov.

Krasijo jo tipične prvine gotskih podeželskih kapel. Cerkev je sožitje gotske in baročne ustvarjalnosti. Pot do cerkvice je enostavna in vodi od središča vasi mimo osnovne šole. Cerkev je najstarejša v občini Rogaška Slatina.

Church of St. Leonard

The small church over the village Kostrivnica, leaning against the slopes in the middle of vineyards and orchards, was built in the 14th century on the initiatives of the counts of Celje.

It is decorated with typical elements of gothic countryside chapels. The church is a symbiosis of gothic and baroque creativity. The path to the small church is simple and leads to the centre of the village past the primary school. The church is the oldest in the municipality of Rogaška Slatina.