Cerkev sv. Trojice

Cerkev sv. Trojice

Nad cerkvijo sv. Križa je cerkev sv. Trojice, pod katero je od leta 1823 mestno pokopališče.

Gre za sakralni objekt, pozidan verjetno na začetku 17. stoletja. Ima bogat zlat oltar, med pomembnejše elemente cerkve pa sodi še prižnica s kipi evangelistov ter Kristusom iz prve polovice 18. stoletja.

Church of the Holy Trinity

Above the church of the Holy Cross is the church of the Holy Trinity, below which is the city cemetery, since 1823.

It is a sacred object, probably built at the beginning of the 17th century. It has a rich altar. One of the important elements of the church is also the pulpit with statues of evangelists and Christ from the first half of the 18th century.