Cerkev Čenstohovske Matere božje

Cerkev Čenstohovske Matere božje

Baročno cerkev z izredno členjenim tlorisom so zgradili leta 1768.

Njen oltar so leta 1784 pripeljali iz Maribora, iz Alojzijeve cerkve. Oltar je delo mestnega kiparja Jožefa Holzingerja. Zanimivost cerkve je sredi žarkov okvirjena romarska podoba Čenstohovske Marije, ki so jo leta 1750 prinesli s Poljske.

Church of the mother of god of Chenstokhovskaya

The baroque church with a highly segmented ground plan was built in 1768.

In 1784, its altar was brought from Maribor, from the church of Aloysius. The altar is the work of the city sculptor Joseph Holzinger. The interesting part of the church is the framed pilgrimage image of Czestochowa's Mary in the middle of rays, which was brought from Poland in 1750.