Cerkev Loretske Matere božje

Cerkev Loretske Matere božje

Cerkev sv. Marije Loretto ponosno stoji na vrhu hriba v Strmcu pri sv. Florijanu, od koder se razteza čudovit razgled proti jugu na Posotelje.

Cerkev je baročna, s sredine 18. stoletja, in ima tri oltarje. V 19. stoletju jo je poslikal freskant Tomaž Fantoni, ki je tudi avtor dveh oltarjev. Kraj z imenom Gradišče južno od cerkve kaže na zelo staro poselitev in na nekdanji dvor.

Church of our Lady of Loreto

The Church of our Lady of Loreto proudly stands at the top of the hill in Strmec pri sv. Florijanu, from where a wonderful view to the south of the Posotelje stretches.

It is a baroque church from the middle of the 18th century. It has three altars. In the 19th century, its walls were painted by the fresco artist Tomaž Fantonini, which is also the author of two altars. The town called Gradišče, located south of the church, points to a very old settlements and the former palace.