Cerkev sv. Mohorja in Fortunata

Cerkev sv. Mohorja in Fortunata

Cerkev na Malih Rodnah je znamenita predvsem po zlatem oltarju, ki je eden lepših v Sloveniji.

Gre za poznogotsko cerkev, verjetno iz začetka 16. stoletja. V naslednjem stoletju so ji dozidali zvonik, iz tega časa pa izvira tudi pozlačen oltar, ki ima vpisano letnico 1691. Oltar je bogato okrašen s hrustančasto in akantovo ornamentiko. Posebej izstopa kip sv. Mohorja in Fortunata

Church of St. Hermagoras and Fortunatus

The church in Male Rodne is famous particularly for its golden altar, which is one of the most beautiful ones in Slovenia.

It is a late-gothic church, probably from the 16th century. In the following century, a bell tower was added, which was also the time of the construction of the gold-platted altar, with the engraved year 1691. The altar is richly decorated with cartilaginous and acantho ornamentation. The statue of St. Hermagoras and Fortunatus is particularly standing out.