Stara direkcija

Stara direkcija

Na mestu, kjer je bilo nekdaj gostišče domačina Jemenška, ta je bil med solastniki vrelca, stoji najstarejša stavba v Rogaški SlatiniStaro direkcijo so štajerski deželni stanovi zgradili v letih 1805/06, potem ko so že postali lastniki vrelcev in so se odločili za naložbe v zdravilišče.

V stavbi je bila uprava zdravilišča; direkcija z upravnikom in stanovanje uradnega zdravnika. Stavba je okrašena s sončno uro na južni strani, dekorativno horizontalno barvno členitvijo etaž, z bogato razčlenjenimi arkadami v prizidku, sam vhod stavbe pa krasi kamnito heraldično čelo.

Old Directorate, previously The Oldest house

The site, where once was the guesthouse of the native Jemenšek, who was a co-owner of the spring, is the location of the oldest building in Rogaška SlatinaThe Old Directorate was built by estates of the country in 1805/06, after they already became owners of springs and decided to invest into the Spa.

In the building was the administration of the Spa, the directorate with the manager and the apartment of the official doctor. The building is decorated with a sundial on the south side, a decorative horizontal coloured division of storeys, with richly divided arcades in the extension of the building and the buildings entrance is decorated with a stone heraldic front.