Zagrebški dom

Zagrebški dom

Stavba, ki se je ob izgradnji leta 1852 imenovala Stanovanjska hiša, leta 1885 so jo preimenovali v Agram Haus, leta 1918 pa so nemško ime poslovenili v Zagrebški dom, je večkrat spremenila namembnost.

Večino časa je služila kot hotel, sicer pa so bila v njej zdravniška ordinacija, brivski lokal, slatinski arhiv, stanovanja, svoje prostore pa je tukaj imela tudi slatinska uprava. Pred gradnjo so na njenem mestu podrli prvo polnilnico mineralne vode. Danes predstavlja del kompleksa Grand hotela Sava.

Zagrebški dom (Zagreb house)

After its construction in 1852, the house was called Residential building (orig. Stanovanjska hiša). In 1885, it was renamed Agram Haus, and in 1918, the German name was translated into Slovenian language as Zagrebški dom (Zagreb house).

The building changed its designated use several times. Mostly, it served as a hotel, but underneath its roof were also a doctor’s office, a barber’s shop, the archive of Slatina, apartments and offices of Slatina’s administration. Prior to the construction, this site was the location of the first mineral water bottling establishment, which they had to demolish. Today, it represents a part of the complex of Grand Hotel Sava.